cow,cows,, verkalben, missgeburten, handy,Handy,Elektromagnetismus,elektrisch,magnetisch,elektromagnetisch,elektromagnetische,strahlung,Strahlung,elektrosmog,Elektrosmog, Felder,Feld,feld,wellen,welle,felder,Elektro - Smog, Der Regulator,Elektrosmog,elektrosmog, Evdan  Regulator,EAV,eav,eaa,EAA,EAA,Elektroakupunktur,elektroakupunktur,Georhythmogramme,georhythmogramme,Popp,popp,Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp,Popp,Voll,Aschoff,zentrifugal
  elektrosmog, Elektro - Smog, Der Regulator,Elektrosmog, Evdan-regulator, evdan regulator, Evdan  Regulator, evdan-regulator,Wasser,Wassereier,eier,Eier,zentrifugal,zentripetal,naturrichtig bewegtes wasser,filter,osmose,Osmose,destilliergerät,Destilliergerät,destillier,gerät,Destillation,Gerät,Energieprodukte,energieprodukte,EAV,eav,eaa,EAA,EAA,Elektroakupunktur,Elektroakkupunktur,elektroakupunktur,Georyhtmogramme,georyhtmogramme,Popp,Popp,popp,Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp,Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp,Popp,Voll,AschoffElectrosmog
  Is everywhere handy,Handy,Elektromagnetismus,elektrisch,magnetisch,elektromagnetisch,elektromagnetische,strahlung,Strahlung,elektrosmog,Elektrosmog, Felder,Feld,feld,wellen,welle,felder,Elektro - Smog, Der Regulator,Elektrosmog,elektrosmog, Evdan  Regulator,EAV,eav,eaa,EAA,EAA,Elektroakupunktur,elektroakupunktur,Georhythmogramme,georhythmogramme,Popp,popp,Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp,Popp,Voll,Aschoff,zentrifugal

More Infos and new reports from the Evdan®-Regulator

Cows can`t be wrong!

kühe,kuehe, verkalben, missgeburten, handy,Handy,Elektromagnetismus,elektrisch,magnetisch,elektromagnetisch,elektromagnetische,strahlung,Strahlung,elektrosmog,Elektrosmog, Felder,Feld,feld,wellen,welle,felder,Elektro - Smog, Der Regulator,Elektrosmog,elektrosmog, Evdan  Regulator,EAV,eav,eaa,EAA,EAA,Elektroakupunktur,elektroakupunktur,Georhythmogramme,georhythmogramme,Popp,popp,Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp,Popp,Voll,Aschoff,zentrifugal


kühe,kuehe, verkalben, missgeburten, handy,Handy,Elektromagnetismus,elektrisch,magnetisch,elektromagnetisch,elektromagnetische,strahlung,Strahlung,elektrosmog,Elektrosmog, Felder,Feld,feld,wellen,welle,felder,Elektro - Smog, Der Regulator,Elektrosmog,elektrosmog, Evdan  Regulator,EAV,eav,eaa,EAA,EAA,Elektroakupunktur,elektroakupunktur,Georhythmogramme,georhythmogramme,Popp,popp,Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp,Popp,Voll,Aschoff,zentrifugal


After a bestätigten report:

Mr. Robert Stehle, geobiological advisor and dowser from Meitingen (Germnay), already uses EVDAN® regulators since a lot of years. His work becomes again and again from Dr. med. Colombo on the basis its patients examined and is found as very good. Both cooperate very closely for the well-being of the patients of Dr. Colombo. Thus Mr. Stehle at the end of of August 2001 came to an evacuee yard with cattle breeding in the proximity of Schwabmuenchen. The owner told it that he was very depressed, since in its stable only failure prevails. Cows calve, back birthsof the poor cows, stone births, disease of the udder etc. accumulate themselves up. The milk quality is not any more the best one. Cows died and nobody did know why.
An adjacent resident is also safe of the opinion and itself: A curse lies on the stable. Mr. Stehle measured this stable physically and two transmitting antennas discovers in approx. 300 meters distance to the stable onto two overhead line masts are installed. The transmitting power breaking in in the stable is according to its statement the far under limit values. It determined the place then with his rod and measuring instrument for the placement of a EVDAN® regulator. This hangs since 09 September 2001, still in the original packaging, on a cord of the stable cover. On Saturday, 08.Februar 2002 I was in Mering, in the proximity of this farm. The best opportunity for me to look over there. "The farm family" would have kissed me before joy after I cleared the circumstances that I`m the "inventor" of this "box". They reported to me that the whole "Ghosts" would have gone. Like the EVDAN® regulator physically is to them actually no matter, clearly does he the "right thing". Heinz Elter

And he still does!!! 29.09.2004



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Last Update 29.09.2004 ©Ingenieurbüro Kern help against cellphone, get healthy, stay healthy, IBK, ibk, kern, Kern, osmosis, esmog, electrosmog, elektrosmog, we got the proof, elektrosmog, esmog,,better living, healthy living,Anti acid, no acid, alkaline, base, Orderplate, orderplate, energyspiral, Energyspiral,Energy-spiral, energy-spiral, Energy, spiral, energy, Spiral, Energyproducts, energyproducts, EAV, eav, eaa,EAA, EAA, Elektroakupunktur,Elektroakkupunktur, elektroakupunktur, Georyhthmogramm, Popp, popp, Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp, Voll, Aschoff