besser wohnen, gesund wohnen,Entsäuerung,entsäuerung,sauer,basisch,Ampullen, Chakraampullen, ampullen, chakraampullen,Ordnungsplatte, ordnungsplatte, energiespirale, Energiespirale,Energie-spirale, energie-spirale, Energie, spirale, energie, Spirale, Energieprodukte, energieprodukte, EAV, eav, eaa,EAA, EAA, Elektroakupunktur,Elektroakkupunktur, elektroakupunktur, Georyhtmogramme, Popp, popp, Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp, Voll, Aschoff
besser wohnen, gesund wohnen,Entsäuerung,entsäuerung,sauer,basischOrdnungsplatte, ordnungsplatte, energiespirale, Energiespirale,Energie-spirale, energie-spirale, Energie, spirale, energie, Spirale, Energieprodukte, energieprodukte, EAV, eav, eaa,EAA, EAA, Elektroakupunktur,Elektroakkupunktur, elektroakupunktur, Georyhtmogramme, Popp, popp, Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp, Voll, AschoffWe got
the proof ! besser wohnen, gesund wohnen,Entsäuerung,entsäuerung,sauer,basischOrdnungsplatte, ordnungsplatte, energiespirale, Energiespirale,Energie-spirale, energie-spirale, Energie, spirale, energie, Spirale, Energieprodukte, energieprodukte, EAV, eav, eaa,EAA, EAA, Elektroakupunktur,Elektroakkupunktur, elektroakupunktur, Georyhtmogramme, Popp, popp, Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp, Voll, Aschoffbesser wohnen, gesund wohnen,Entsäuerung,entsäuerung,sauer,basischOrdnungsplatte, ordnungsplatte, energiespirale, Energiespirale,Energie-spirale, energie-spirale, Energie, spirale, energie, Spirale, Energieprodukte, energieprodukte, EAV, eav, eaa,EAA, EAA, Elektroakupunktur,Elektroakkupunktur, elektroakupunktur, Georyhtmogramme, Popp, popp, Prof.Dr.F.A.Popp, Voll, Aschoff

FAQ to the base receipt


Visit also our advertising partners and convince yourselves yourself of their inexpensive supplies!

1. Soda
As you already know, soda is made by the body daily approximately in the quantity of 50 - 70g. By excessive consumption of strongly acid-forming food (coffee, protein, chocolate, sweet beverages usw..) the body has to make now almost 100g, available are only 70g. The mechanisms, which are started or can lead to most different symptoms, are the following:
- Overacidification of the connecting tissues
- Cellulite
- allergies
- Neurodermitis
- rheumatism
- cancer
- ulcers
- Melanome and so on.
Almost all diseases become understandable only because of overacidification!
In almost each product is sugar, which constantly overenergizes our body to new acid production and all connecting tissues are getting sour. Usually this acid production runs in the oversize, so that sufficient soda is not produced for the following neutralization. The intestine begins already in this stage, particularly the large intestine to store instead of exhausting pollutants outward. If it is well filled, or usually at the same time, also the connective tissue are abused as ultimate waste disposal, and the cycle of degeneration is closed. If all stocks are full, usually the illness breaks out correctly. Unfortunately this reactions cannot be determined with conventional methods. Sport, Sauna, healthy meals are single building blocks for a total healthy way of life. If several factors are ignored by you, it is only a question of time, when you are also at the same level. All grain lovers cannot digest your food at all. The consequences are unhealthy face colour and heavy quantities of urine acid.
Germs represent something else. They are the vitamin and enzyme bombs, which the body takes up gratefully. But also here : Take care , test and control. tctac

2. Short help to the basic neutralizing
In order to break through this vicious acid circle, we recommend following composition of our neutralizing receipt. In each pharmacy you can be able to get this mixture. Not possible a generally valid and ready-made solution fitting for each person is to be created. But with the following methodology a substantial improvement of the " quality of life " can be attained for each humans.

a.) Phase I:
5 days (coherently) each evening approx. 3 hours before the sleeping going a deleted teeloeffel sodium bicarbonicum, solve in at least a quarter litre as pure a water as possible (Destiller, reverse osmosis, Volvic usw.), warmly and schluckweise to drink. Only the water heat up, then sodium bicarbonicum add.

b.) Phase II:
Subsequently, 3 days (coherently) between 15.00 and 19.00 o'clock an accumulated teaspoon sodiumbicarbonicum, solve in at least a half litre as pure a water as possible (Destiller, reverse osmosis, Volvic usw.), warmly and drink slow. Only the water heat up, then sodium bicarbonicum add.

c.) Phase III:
Subsequently, 3 days income break.

d.) Phase IV:
ubsequently, pH - value - measurement of the morning urine with indicator sticks or indikatorpaper. The determined pH - value is for instance identical to that liquid in the connective tissues. The connective tissue is called also " Pre-kidney " and is the " acid buffer". The pH - value in the connective tissue should be near neutral = pH 7.0 to move around acid thrusts to intercept. Because any stress producess acid in the human body, a balanced nutrition alone no longer sufficiently brings suitable values.

e.) Phase V:
Therefore daily first help should be rendered after a basic neutralizing. For example as food supplement with the following mixture:

We sell the base powder for 29,70€ nearly 400g. Suitable for 4-6weeks or as a cure.

Put everything onto the order plate and ok.
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